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Recognizing the critical importance of developing viable written plans for both internal use and regulatory review, RP Financial enables banking companies to realize corporate, financial, organizational, operational, and regulatory objectives.

Strategic Planning Puzzle Piece (Connected Pieces of Puzzle)

Strategic Planning

Our strategic planning services assist banking companies in developing, evaluating and achieving strategic objectives, considering risk appetite and risk tolerance.

Capital Planning Services Puzzle Piece (Dollar Sign)
Capital Planning & 
Capital Adequacy Assessment


Our capital planning services assist banking companies in the evaluation of key risks, capital preservation and contingency strategies. We position our clients to establish target regulatory capital levels based on their risk profile and direction of risks.

Business Planning Puzzle Piece (Gears)

Business Planning

Our business planning services assist banking companies with robust plans and detailed financial projections, which can include alternate or adverse planning scenarios.

Strategic Planning Puzzle Piece (Connected Pieces of Puzzle)

Planning for
De Novo Banks


Our de novo bank planning services assist bank organizers with pre-filing activities, the feasibility study, strategic business and capital plans, and regulatory applications that meet regulatory and investor expectations and assess the appropriate amount of capital to be raised.

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